Oct 23 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Helping Others

Posted at 6:01 am under Uncategorized


On another blog, I wrote about people with their hands out. Well, this post is about someone who is extending a helping hand to another.

Drew has extended a hand to a couple who are battling cancer in their lives. Becky Machinski and her husband Mike have both had battles with Cancer. Becky has been Cancer free for some time but Mike is still battling. The Machinskis have three beautiful little girls who have had to pack up their lives to go where their mother and father could get treatment. They do not complain and are very sweet. The family has, in essence spent all of their savings and income on getting both Mike and Becky well. They cannot get insurance and so the rising cost of Mike’s treatments compounded over the years has been astronomical. The Machinski’s keep an online journal, with updates on Mike’s condition. He has had over 120 radiation treatments since 2004. Suffice it to say the family could use a little financial help.Ben’s trying to get them some help in the form of a calendar he’s created that the proceeds of the sales of which will be donated to the Machinskis at Drew’s Reunion in November. Please help Drew out by purchasing a calendar. They’re beautiful, reasonably priced and will help someone who needs it.
Love to all,



One response so far

One Response to “Helping Others”

  1. Drewon 26 Oct 2007 at 8:03 am 1

    Thanks for blogging about this. Sales have been stagnant and I’m not sure the goal is going to be reached either. I have gotten quite a few donations and I am very happy about that. I am near to giving the family close to $200.00. But Calendar sales are slow. Thanks for writing about the calendar. I appreciate it.