Oct 03 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10/03/2007

Posted at 10:12 am under Uncategorized

Last night’s meeting was VERY interesting (at least to me), but I won’t bore you with any details. Just know that it was time well spent on my part.

We are actively beginning to pack up and get ready for our physical move of the office to the new building. I guess I will begin trekking personal stuff home so there will be less to take over and sort out there. Knowing me, it will probably rattle around in the car for awhile, perhaps even to being slogged up to the new digs once we’ve settled in.  I don’t really have that much — mostly pictures and books and I do use many of the books daily, so will leave those until the last minute.

I’m getting excited about getting out of here. For the last 2 years, there has been no hot water and for the last couple of months, one of the toilets in the ladies rest room on the 4th floor has been out of commission. That’s been a real pain in the butt to deal with. Now the 4th floor restroom is starting to smell sewagey, so I don’t even want to go in it anymore, but can’t always run downstairs, so must deal with it as best I can. I’m hoping the new digs’ restrooms are more hygenic and have hot water!

Did you hear about the SC man who, when he lost his leg in an airplane accident, put the leg in a smoker and kept it in a storage building? When he could no longer make the payments on the storage unit, the contents were auctioned off with smoker containing the leg still inside and the new “owner” is now in a custody battle over the leg, but is selling tickets to view it to any who will buy. New Jeff Foxworthy “You Might Be A Redneck If” line — You might be a redneck if you keep your amputated body parts in a smoker grill. 😛

On another wierd but true note, we have a service call to the Helmsley Hotel for which the notes state the call must be signed for by the dog 😆 — don’t know if that’s for real from the customer or just a call-taker’s sense of humor, but it made the company headlines this morning. (If you don’t know, Ms. Helmsley’s dog was left several million dollars and the hotel in her will).

It looks like we might get some rain today. It’s definitely cloudy and feels like rain, but we’ll have to wait and see if it happens. I know we desperately need some! 

Well, that’s all my news today.

Love to all,




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