Sep 26 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09/26/2007

Posted at 10:24 pm under Uncategorized

Posting way late today –sorry about that.

Work was pretty steady all day today and I had no time to write a blog post. I finally got my linked server report to work – I’ve been working on that one for nearly two weeks now and was just about to throw in the towel. I don’t have the log in like I want it to be –it’s using my credentials and I never like to have reports that use my credentials to run just because it’s a bad practice for one and for another if I should quit or get fired, and they remove my login, then the report won’t run any more and that would cause someone else a problem. Since I’ve been on the receiving end of that very thing, I don’t want that as my legacy. I want to write good, clean code that works whether I am there to administer it or not.

Well, at any rate, they like the report so well, now I have a list of reports to create using the linked servers (this gives them historical data that was in the old database). Kurt also wants some charts and I am horrible at charts! Guess I will have another one of those steep learning curves to ascend 😆

I’m working from home tomorrow as I have to start taking the stuff that will clean out my innards in preparation for the colonscopy that I’ll be having Friday. I am NOT looking forward to any of it, but must suck it up and go on with the show. BLEAH!

John’s birthday is 10/2, Gina’s is 10/8 and Judy’s is in there somewhere — 10/6?? Anyway, cards will be going out and Happy Birthday to all!  (Just so you know I didn’t forget you)

Did I mention that we’re getting ready to move? Yes, we’re moving the office about 10 blocks from our present location into a newer building on 10/31. I have mixed emotions about the move — am afraid it will be complicated computer-wise and yet I’m going to be glad to get out of that old rattle trap buidling we’re in now that only has one working toilet in the ladies room and half the lights don’t work at all while the other half flickers. We’re getting new furniture (which means I might actually have a comfortable chair!), but the downside is that we’ll all be in one big room in cubes. They are supposedly large cubes, but still cubes with no doors. At least there are windows. We have no windows where we’re at now and it sucks big time. Trade-offs and compromise –that’s what life is all about 🙂

Guess I should hit the sack. Sweet dreams, y’all.

Love to all,


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