Aug 24 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 08-24-2007

Posted at 3:34 pm under Uncategorized

Sorry for not writing these past couple of days.

Yesterday I met with the doctor who will do my colonscopy (now I’m in the same league as George W). He had a fit over my bloodwork from last week and sent me to the lab to have it drawn again. Said the one value did not fit with all the others and appeared to be a lab error. We will see. They didn’t have the results when I called a bit ago and said it would probably be Monday.

We’ve had some thunder and lightning, but no real rain the past couple of days. We are so dry! Even a small storm would be appreciated by the grass, the bushes and us!

Nothing on tap for this weekend other than the lady who wants Bella is coming to meet her tomorrow. That just means I have to clean the kitchen, vacuum and clean the carpet tomorrow morning.

I’ve been asked to bring one of my dogs to some fund raiser by the Anderson County Animal shelter, but that’s only supposed to take 30 minutes, so I will do that. Charlotte and I will probably go to breakfast in the morning. We plan to go back to Grits and Groceries — YUM!!

Take care. Have a great weekend! Stay cool!


Love to all,


One response so far

One Response to “Daily Notes 08-24-2007”

  1. Eddieon 24 Aug 2007 at 4:38 pm 1

    Congratulations on the raise! It looks like I’ll be able to come Labor Day weekend to get Babette and Boudreaux. I’m getting settled in at the new job. I’ll be on shift work soon enough, but until I get qualified they’re willing to be flexible with the weekends. My knee was killing me this week because I was walking over the building, checking in with this one and that one. I won’t make any bad colonoscopy jokes with you – they’re no fun. I’ve watched Yvonne go through two of them. Yuck. You have my sympathy.
