Aug 15 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 07-15-2007

Posted at 11:10 am under Uncategorized

Good morning everyone! I hope your day is going well. Mine has mixed reviews.

I lost 65¢ in the vending machine this morning and someone turned off the eye under the coffee pot, so the coffee was getting cold when I went to get my second cup. 😥 So, my morning didn’t go as smoothly as I could have wished. Silver lining to these are — I didn’t need the pastry from the machine any way if my scale is to be believed and the second cup of coffee was my self-imposed daily limit anyway, so no harm no foul.

Still having issues with the new system, but hopefully those are getting worked out and the ones that impacted my immediate job are greatly reduced. We are targetting getting those last pesky items out of the way by the end of the week, and then hopefully we can concentrate on streamlining our jobs.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but the Microsoft Service Pack released last night seems to have speeded up my computer quite a bit. We’ll see if it remains that way 😆 Those things have a way of backfiring.

Not much else to talk about today. It’s supposed to be hot again — around 100ºF today. I know my airconditioner is not keeping up with that very well at all. I’m still dreading the power bill.

Talk to you later.

Love to all,


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