Aug 12 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Writing again at last!

Posted at 9:44 am under Uncategorized

Mama Deer and babies  Hummingbird  



It has been a hellish two weeks….I put in 26 hours of overtime during these last two weeks, but the project is launched and is working. There are still tweaks and adjustments to be made, but at least the major work is behind me.

I’ve learned a lot — probably more than I wanted to learn, but it will look really REALLY good on my resume 😆 Not that I’m planning on changing jobs — at least not just yet…

I did do as I promised myself I would and Thursday went to my boss and asked for a raise. He agreed that I deserved one and said it might take him a couple of weeks to get it organized, but saw nothing to prevent his request from going through. He asked how much I wanted and although I didn’t quote a specific amount, I pointed out that I am making significantly lower than what even the entry level amount for my position pays industry-wide. He said he could do better for me if I went on salary instead of staying hourly and I told him that for the right amount, I had no problem with going on salary, so we’ll see what happens.  Wish me luck!

I spent yesterday trying to rest up. While I did housecleaning and laundry, I treated myself to breakfast at a new restaurant (oh my! how tasty that was, too!), took a nap yesterday afternoon and spent most of the rest of the time reading or taking pictures of the hummingbirds and deer. Today I’m finishing up the laundry and meeting a friend for lunch later on.

Mama Deer

I think Ma had some visitors Friday if my little birdie was correct.

Ken worked yesterday and is working today. The heat is wearing us both out and putting quite a strain on the airconditioner. It stopped for the first time in 4 days today for about 30 minutes and has cycled more like a normal air conditioner would do today. It’s very overcast today, but I don’t think we’re supposed to get any rain until later in the week.

Well, I think you’re all caught up now.

Stay cool!

Love to all,



One response so far

One Response to “Writing again at last!”

  1. Momon 12 Aug 2007 at 11:42 am 1

    I am happy to see you back again. I was beginning to get worried ubtil Eddie and family came and told me he had just talked to you.
    Think real long about going on salary—it sounds good until they atart taking advantage of you, like days offf and vacations etc.
    Will talk to you tomorrow.