Jul 09 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 07-09-2007

Posted at 12:59 pm under Uncategorized

Sorry I’m late today — Brian and Clyde were here first thing, so I couldn’t write until lunch.

Ken and I have begun a 10 step program to un-clutter the house 😛 We essentially started with the closet in our bedroom as it had gotten to the point you could not put anything in it period. It took 2 hours to pull everything out of it, sort through it as to whether it was throw away or donate, bag/box that up and remove the bags/boxes to their destination. Now my trash pile is pretty large, but the closet looks GREAT!  We will work through the other 3 closets in the house over the next few weeks and then tackle the biggie — the garage.

Our garage is gargantuan. It’s a 3 bay garage, so that makes it about 30′ wide and 25′ long. It’s pretty full, too and I don’t expect it to take any 2 hours to get through that one! That will more than likely take 2 days to get through. At any rate, we’ve started and it feels pretty good to even have this much done.

Nothing much happened over the weekend. Saturday I did the usual and Sunday we did the closet and Ken mowed the yard while I did TTC work. Angela picked up Aurora Saturday and Diana got her two girls that were here to be bred, so all of our boarders are gone.

Hope your weekend was a good one.

Love to all,


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