Jun 27 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 06-27-2007

Posted at 10:03 am under Uncategorized

Good morning! Had another storm last night — don’t know how much actual rain we’re getting, but the wind and electricity is phenomenal!

I am in a total state of shock! Ken took today off from work!! This is the first day he’s taken off which is a normal day off for him in over a year! I think what tipped the cart was his supervisor calling in last Friday to say he wouldn’t be in — that was a day he didn’t schedule beforehand which is something Ken always does. He had told his boss he would try to come in and work 1/2 day today, but decided last night that he needed and deserved the whole day. YEAH!

Of course, the downside to this is that he’s going car shopping for me 😥

It will be nice to go home and have him already home. Really nice for a change.

I put a thistle feeder out for the finches since I saw a couple on the other feeder the other day, but no birds have tested it out yet. It’s one of those “sock” feeders that is basically a mesh with seeds in it. It was cheap, so even if no birds eat any of the seed before it goes bad, it won’t be a huge loss and I’ll know to get a more traditional feeder.

Well, work is calling, so I must go. You all take care, stay cool!

Love to all,


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