Jun 25 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 06-25-2007

Posted at 8:52 am under Uncategorized

Good morning! I hope you all had a great weekend! Ours was HOT and DRY.

I had to take Ken’s car and my van to the oil change place Saturday to get that done. Ken also wanted me to look at the dealerships along the way to see if I could find a newer van — mine is a ’99 with 131,000 miles on it and he thinks its time to get a newer one with lower mileage. I’m not so sure. This one is running fine and has given us no problems beyond the air conditioner that went out last year. I’ve kept maintenance up on it routinely and religiously, so don’t agree with him that it needs to be replaced just yet. However, I did look just to appease him.  I only found vans at one dealership who had several and of those, I zeroed in on 3 of them. They were all Chrysler/Dodge vans which is fine as I have had those before and liked them and they provide the space I need for crates and combine the features that I enjoy and have become accustomed to. I’m in no hurry, though.

He worked Saturday, but when he got off, he went over to one of the German’s apartments for a going away party as there are several of them leaving today to go back to Germany. He said they had a lot of really good food and he got somewhat sun burned sitting at the pool. Sunday we went to the Golden Corral for breakfast, then to Lowes to buy the shelves I wanted for the bathroom and picked up a few other things while we were at it. Then to PetSmart for dog food and back home around 11:00. He started mowing the yard, but I would not let him stay out more than an hour as it was just too hot. He came in for awhile, then went back out to finish up. The race didn’t start until 3:30 and he was back in the house in plenty of time for that. I made sure he drank plenty of tea while he worked outside. 

I took Taji outside for a bit, but he didn’t act like he was too thrilled with being out there and wanted back inside after just a few minutes.

Ken brought the tv in from the camper and hooked it up, so the birds got to watch Animal Planet all afternoon. I had  to laugh at the cockatiels as they all gathered at the end of the cage closest to the tv when it was turned on. Then when the program about snakes came on, they dispersed to eat and play and when the program about the wildebeasts came on, they were gathered back to watch intently.

I worked some more on Suzel’s website –mostly creating graphics and getting those to line up and act right. She sent me an email yesterday saying she was going to call, but I never got a phone call. At any rate, if you want to take a peek at what I did, it’s HERE. I’ve also worked on an order blank for her, but haven’t even gotten that to the stage where I have it loaded to the site yet as it’s still very raw-looking.  I think that page is going to be the hardest one to complete of all of them.

Well, I suppose I should get back to work. I hope you all have a nice day! Stay cool!

Love to all,


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