Jun 04 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 06-04-2007

Posted at 7:19 am under Daily Notes

I cannot get over that half the year is gone already! Where did it go? What did I spend my time on? How can it be over so fast?? It just blows my mind…

Spent the weekend pretty much lazing around. I did the usual things of laundry et al, but no major projects. I did tweak the website a bit. Made a new graphic for the header and changed the color scheme. I’m not sure I’m in love with it, but there you are. I bought a new book on CSS and am anxiously awaiting it coming in the mail. If it’s half as good as the one I got from the same company on design, then I will be happy. I had some trouble on my site with one division that was supposed to hold a background image, but skewed it to the left and I never did figure out why it did that. It’s as if the whole division was shifted to the left.  I know — only Colin or Kevin really understand what I’m talking about here – it’s all geek-speak to the rest of you 😆 I can hear Ma now.

Econz seems to have part of their act straightened up. They say the issue was a site coming in with no address, but I’ve looked through the records I sent and there isn’t one that’s missing an address. I’m hoping they will tell me which one it was so I can look not only at that one record but also the ones before and after as I think it may only be that there was a comma somewhere that threw the field off in the csv file. We’ll see. Of course, that doesn’t explain why I’m still missing completions from the jobs they DO have. I have a feeling that’s going to be the sticking point.

Brian and Corrina are supposed to be here around noon today. Guess we will get on with the GP project once they get here.

Got to run.

Love to all,


One response so far

One Response to “Daily Notes 06-04-2007”

  1. Momon 04 Jun 2007 at 9:48 am 1

    Aren’t you rushing it a little bit? I thought when you got to July then the year was half gone. But I am with you it is going fast.
    We got a good rain yesterday. It rained so hard I could’nt see the hospital and I know lightening hit something right here as it knocked me out of my chair and I am usually not afraid of storms but this one was really bad.
    Have a good day