May 18 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 05-19-2007

Posted at 12:36 pm under Uncategorized

Oh dear! It seems that I have not written at all this week! I am SUCH a bad person!

I took Monday and Tuesday off for vacation days, but ended up working from home most of Monday while Ken worked on our latest home improvement project — ripping out the bathtub in the master bathroom and installing a shower in it’s place. He continued working on it Tuesday as we met with some difficulties with the kit — parts of it were defective and we had to take part of it back to Home Depot for replacement parts so that we could complete the project. It is up and working thanks to Ken’s perserverance and he is now in Charlotte spending the rest of his vacation week at the Lowes Motor Speedway where he has tickets to the All-Star race Saturday. He’ll be home Sunday and in the mean time, I’m bacheloretting it 😛

I have all kinds of things to keep me busy — besides the normal laundry and house cleaning, I need to mow the yard and weed the garden. I started weed-eating down at the ditch last night, but couldn’t keep that up for too long as the vibration from the weed-eater really made my wrists ache. I’ll try to finish that up tonight so I can do the mowing Saturday. I started laundry this morning and there isn’t much (thank goodness!). I also have some stationery scripts to write — one is a final for the class I am taking and the others are just for my own entertainment. I also have some stuff to do for work, but it’s more of a launch the program and leave it alone while it runs.

Last Thursday, when I got home from work, Nell greeted me at the end of her run with her left hind leg ripped open from hip to hock. Needless to say, I ran her to the emergency vet who stitched her up. She’s been on crate rest ever since and is doing really well. She hasn’t messed with her stitches at all and there are what looks like hundreds of them, but the vet did a beautiful job on her as I really didn’t think she could pull the edges together since the wound was so big and so old by the time I found her. Thankfully, it didn’t bleed very much as it was just skin that was torn! I did take pictures of the wound and the stitch job which I will post later. (Writing from work and don’t have the photos here)

So, now you are caught up with our lives 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

Love to all,


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