May 07 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 05-07-2007

Posted at 9:13 am under Uncategorized

Well, it was a working weekend for me. I started a process on Saturday and let it run to completion, then did a lot of manual work on Sunday to get a bunch of part numbers rolled into some other part numbers as they were duplicates. That took all day.

I also did a mountain of laundry.

Ken worked Saturday, and yesterday he did a few things around the house (took the garbage to the dump and fixed a gate on one of the kennel runs), but spent the afternoon watching the race on t.v. He begins a week’s vacation next Sunday. We were initailly planning on driving to Ohio on Saturday, spending Sunday with Chris, Gina and the kids and driving back on Monday, but Chris says he can’t get off work on Sunday, so they will come and visit us later in the summer. I took two days off, and will probably still take them off as I have some things I need to do (like go to the tax office in Abbeville) that just can’t be done before or after work or during a lunch hour.

I see where Ma had an exciting trip to Kentucky! She didn’t say much about her visit, more about the actual getting there, but I’m sure she had a good time with Betty.

Well, I’m meeting Clyde at 10:00 so he can put some software in, so guess I had best go.

Love to all,


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