Mar 22 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 03-22-2007

Posted at 8:59 am under Uncategorized

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well and happy.

Talked to Mom last night who told me she had an email from Frances telling her that she has the flu. What a bummer! Here it is spring and she’s got the flu! I sure hope she gets over it quickly.

Ken’s working this weekend, so I’ll have it to hopefully catch up on the household chores I’ve neglected these past couple of weeks. I also have to start getting ready for the Charlotte shows. Ken has to take the camper to the camper place as one of the windows is leaking and needs to be repaired. He’s doing that a week from tomorrow, so I’ll have to have it ready for us before then. He’ll pick it up on the way to Charlotte April 5th and I won’t have another opportunity to stock it since it’s not coming home before the show.

I also need to work more with the crested puppies (well, they’re a year old now, but still have no brains to speak of — being boys, you know.) And of course, I want to continue working with the birds.

I also probably will be working on my GP project for work trying to get that last bit of information into the system.

Well, I suppose I should go ahead and get this posted so I can get on with it today.

Love to all,


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