Mar 16 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 03-16-2007

Posted at 5:54 am under Uncategorized

I finally have the new computer up and running. It’s got Windows Vista OS which is really nice. My biggest problem has been transferring files over from the old computer. I purchased the transfer cable, which was supposed to allow me to drag-n-drop files, but that hasn’t exactly been the case. I’m no network guru, so despite trying to set up a network and having both computers connected to it, they just won’t talk to one another — must be a jealousy issue.

I also had somewhat of a struggle with email, but have that up and running now and that was really the big one. My last hurdle to overcome is going to be connecting to work. I took the box in to my network guy and he supposedly set it up, but I’ve now installed my firewall and antivirus software which seems to be preventing it from connecting. I’ll have to call him later this morning to see if he can help me get past this last hurdle to independence from the old computer.

We’re reinstalling SQL on the new box at work tonight, so I’ll go to work later today and work late tonight to get that done. I’ll still work from home this morning, but need to feed the dogs and clean kennels before I go to work which is usually something I do when I get home. They’ll like eating early, but tomorrow, when they’re back on their “normal” schedule, they won’t be quite so happy.

It’s raining and supposed to turn off cooler today — I’ll miss the sun and the warmth, but know it will be back soon.

Oh — be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page — I’ve added a daily cartoon. Hope you enjoy it!

Well, now you know all there is to know today 🙂

Love to all,


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