Mar 12 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily notes 03-12-2007

Posted at 7:46 am under Uncategorized

Gosh it’s been a long time since I wrote – not because I haven’t had anything to say, but because there just hasn’t been time. My project for work (installing and populating Great Plains Field Service module) has grown a life of it’s own, but I should start seeing daylight at the end of that tunnel soon as I am slowly getting everything done that we need to have done prior to moving over to it from OUT.

Ken’s side is much better. He’s pretty much back to normal except for the scar. My black eye is no more although the scratch still has a bit of a mark on my cheek. I’m sure that will go away in it’s own time, too. Meanwhile, I look like I’ve been in a knife fight 🙂

The birds continue to learn their tricks. Reilly has totally mastered the colored beads and we are working on cues for the different colors. My goal is to develop this whole color choice routine that involves signals. Meanwhile, Taji has watched this whole training process with Reilly with great interest. Just for fun, I offered him the cup with the beads and asked for one of the colors. He chose the right one. I put that bead aside and asked for a second color. He chose the right one. I put that bead aside and asked for a third color and he got the right one again! Amazing bird! He got treated with his favorite — a peanut. This is a lot of fun and my guys are so smart! They also got mashed potatoes for dinner which was another hit. Even the cockatiel got into eating mashed taters.

I talked to Yvonne Thursday and she and Eddie are in thier new home although there is still a lot of unpacking to do. They just got their phone turned on that morning, so they haven’t had a chance to call anyone. Eddie was made Class Leader and is already busy as a bee with his new duties. Yvonne still has to find a sitter so she can have some free time. It sounds like they will settle into their new life as a family unit with only a few small bumps.

I also talked to Chris and they are doing fine. They were at McDonalds having dinner, so it was a little difficult to hear with the screaming kids (they were sitting at the play area).

Talked to Pam and her grandfather is doing well after his surgery (he had some polyps in his colon removed). He did have to go to a nursing facility for a few days as he developed bed sores because he wouldn’t get out of bed, but she thinks he will not be there very long. Her Mom, John and Bebe are doing fine. Patrick will be coming home for good once school is out for the summer.

That’s all for now.

Take care.

Love to all,



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