Jan 25 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01-25-2007

Posted at 9:10 am under Uncategorized

Hello everyone! Tomorrow Ken and I leave for Charleston and the first dog show of the year. We both took Friday off from work so we would have plenty of time to get to Charleston, set up and go spend some time with John, Pam and their family. I’m excited about this show despite the fact that it’s tiny — only 15 or 16 whippets entered which means there won’t be enough points for Butterfly to finish provided she even wins, but then again, there won’t be much pressure either.  We also have Tigger, Nell and Teddy entered.

I’ve been clicker training the birds and Nell. Taji is now giving me a consistent high 5 with one foot, Riley is calmer and allowing me to scratch his head without trying to bite and Billy is beginning touching the target stick. Nell is showing ears consistently and that’s a really good thing as her lackadasical attitude is her biggest downfall in the ring. She’s a very humble acting dog anyway and very soft, so you can’t correct her at all without totally destroying her confidence. I want to start clicker training Saber next week. I only hope he has brain enough to comprehend 🙂

Well, I guess I need to actually do some work today. Vacation doesn’t start until 4:00 pm and it’s only 8:15, so I’m being very slack.

Have a great day!

Love to all,


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