Jan 02 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01-02-2007

Posted at 11:39 am under Uncategorized

Happy New Year!

It’s back to work — we didn’t get the day off like the Federal workers did — no time to mourn a President’s passing for us.  I’m listening to lots of coverage of the memorial services and burial. Poor Gerry Ford – he’s getting far more positive press over his death than he ever garnered during his Presidency. Guess hindsight is 20/20 for the media, too.

Also over the weekend, they hanged Sadaam Hussein. I can’t mourn his passing too much, but do fear that it will bring more violence to Iraq which is something I do mourn as that means more civilians along with US and Iraqui solders will be killed. I’m waiting with baited breath to hear President Bush’s new direction for the war in Iraq. While I hope for the best, I’m prepared for the worst.

I took more pictures yesterday with the new camera. Put some of them on Webshots — they are of the Cresteds, so if you get a chance, check them out. I sure am enjoying it and hope to get more proficient as time goes on.

Ken is really enjoying his new TV. It does have an incredible picture with vibrant colors and is VERY clear. We gave our old tv to someone who didn’t have one and that worked out nicely. He’s going to change satellite providers from Dish to Direct. I hope that works out OK. He’ll save about $30 per month. We’ll have to see if the quality is the same as he’s experienced with Dish.

The people who got the baby birds both report that they are doing well. We had 3 more hatch out over the weekend, so I hope I can find good homes for them.

Snowflake's ready for ChristmasOn a sad note, little Snowflake who was so greatly loved and spoiled by her new Mama met with a fatal accident Christmas Eve. Her Mama is grieving so much for that little dog. It just breaks my heart. This little tyke was found by me running down the middle of the road in front of our house. She was so terrified that she bit for weeks after I caught her and finally settled down to become a sweetheart of a dog.  Lee adored her and she had so many clothes and was mentioned in the newspaper so often it’s unreal. I’m just so glad that she had all these months of being the spoiled darling of someone who loved her with all her heart instead of the life I fear she was living before I found her.

Well, that’s about all I have to say today. I hope you have a wonderful day today.

Love to all,



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