May 31 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 05-29-06

Posted at 6:11 am under Uncategorized

Boy was it hot today! Started the day off by trying to do some of the trimming around the house with the weed eater. Could not get it to advance the string and when the existing string got down to about 1″, I put it away and dragged out the push mower. I still need to pull up all the grass in the canna lily patches, but that will have to wait for now.

Did any of y’all have June bugs in April? We did. The dogs feasted on them for weeks until the temperatures dropped and they disappeared. Now that it’s warmed back up again, I’ve been concerned that we’ll see another “outbreak” of them and they’ll eat all my roses and newly sprouting lilies, but so far, I haven’t seen any. The butterflies are out in abundance, though. I saw a lot of yellow ones and one or two aqua colored ones. I wanted to get a picture of those, but by the time I had more batteries for the camera, they had disappeared. I did get a photo of a white one. These all look just exactly alike — the size, markings, etc. Just the base color of the butterfly is different I think I read somewhere that the white one was something significant (like one sex or the other), but I don’t remember for sure.

Janet came down and I took her to the daylily lady’s (Barbara) house. We spent 3-1/2 hours there pouring over her flower beds and her books on the different dayliliy varieties she has. Janet is creating some new beds at her house and wanted a color schemed set of daylilies for them. She bought one called “Tears of Love” to go on Bailey’s grave. I can’t wait to see the beds when she finishes them and they are blooming. She was so generous and shared some of her purchases with me, so now I have a few new lilies to add to my flower bed, too. I can’t wait for them to begin blooming!

Be sure to check out my nephew, Colin’s blog site — I’ve added a link to it over on the right. He takes some AWESOME photographs and you can literally spend hours looking through all his album pages. He has been asked to put on a show of his photography in August. I wish I was closer to St. Louis so I could go see it. I also wish he could come and take some pictures of the Whippets running. I think he would capture some special shots if he would.

Have a great day!



One response so far

One Response to “Daily Notes 05-29-06”

  1. Colinon 17 Jun 2006 at 4:24 pm 1

    You are awfully kind to my photography! And don’t worry about not being in The Lou in August — I’m sure there will be some photos up from the show. That’s hard to imagine, eh? 🙂