Dec 23 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 12-23-2006

Posted at 2:37 pm under Uncategorized

Penny Parker Bible





OK – I know I don’t usually blog on Saturday, but….

Ken’s been asking me what I want for Christmas and threatening to go out and buy something really big and gaudy and make me wear it. Well, I don’t know anything really material that I want for Christmas, so whatever he gets, I’ll just have to wear it with pride that my husband won’t take “no” for an answer.

What I do want for Christmas are the following (and before you start reading, I already know I don’t have a chance in hell of getting any of them).

1. Peace on Earth along with understanding and tolerance among men

2. Risk taking taught to children beginning as early as day care.

3. Everyone to take responsibility for the decisions they make in their everyday lives.

4. Seniors and others living on subsitence (or less) to have their basic needs for food, shelter and health care met.

5. Illegal immigrants to go back to their countries of origin and apply to enter the US legally.

6. Peace on Earth along with understanding and tolerance among men. ( I know I listed that one already, but it bears repeating)

To one and all, Merry Christmas!



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