Oct 31 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10-31-2006

Posted at 10:44 am under Uncategorized

Talked to Kristy and Chrystalyn last night. Kristy is recovering from a hysterectomy. She says she’s doing fine and is already bored — I can empathise with her. Chrystalyn was telling me that she’s taking guitar in school. I asked her if she could get a recording of her playing and she said she would ask her teacher if she could do that. If I get one, I’ll upload it to the website so you all can listen to it.

Mom told me yesterday that Shiobhan has been chosen to go to Australia next year with a group of 39 other students. This is fantastic! I’m very proud of my grandniece! I’m also jealous as I would love to go to Australia someday 🙂

Had to come in to work today. We’re demo-ing two more software packages plus it’s the head of Accounts Services last day, so we’re treating her to lunch. I hate to see her go as she’s been a good friend.  Can’t blame her for leaving, though. She’s found work much closer to home (she drives nearly as far as I do) and since she’s got a child, and is trying to complete her bachelor’s degree and her husband is a police officer who works 12 hour shifts, this will help her out enormously time-wise.

Got to run — it’s almost time for the first demo and I need to visit the ladies room first 🙂

Love to all,


3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Daily Notes 10-31-2006”

  1. Momon 31 Oct 2006 at 11:46 am 1

    Talk about dreams coming true!!!Isn’t that what you were telling me yesterday?
    Looks like you missed printing part of your message.. Who was it hat is leaving because she has a child and such a long drive to wore?
    Oh well
    Have a good day.

  2. eyespi20on 31 Oct 2006 at 4:30 pm 2

    No, it wasn’t my dream coming true — thank goodness!

    The lady who is leaving is Paula.

    Love ya,


  3. Eddieon 02 Nov 2006 at 2:42 am 3

    That’s good that you were able to talk to Chrystalyn. Everytime I call, there’s no one home or Chrystalyn is the only one up and about. I also asked for a recording of the Christmas show she is practicing for. She sounds so happy when she talks about it. Gotta run.
