Archive for January 23rd, 2009

Jan 23 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 1/23/2009

Filed under Daily Notes

Well, Ken is leaving this morning for Charleston, taking with him Tigger, Payne, Butterfly and the evil Whippet, Nikki. He wasn’t very enthusiastic about going by himself and I wish I could go with him, but our sitter isn’t available this weekend and the dogs left behind will want to be fed and cared for, so just running off without seeing to at least that aspect is a no-go.

Besides, I have someone coming to meet Will, the rescue whippet and finding him a home is important. I also have to do some work — a new customer is wanting to do some testing and I need to be available to do part of it. I can do what I need to do remotely, so don’t have to drive into the office.

At least I left him laughing this morning.

He had covered up Taji last night with a sheet as Taji was squawking a lot, so I went over to remove the sheet before I left for work. I had noticed something lying in the floor, but thought it was just a stick or something the dogs had dragged in. No, it was NOT a stick and as soon as I got close enough to actually make out what it was, I immediately reversed course, shuddering and gagging. It was a dead and rather chewed mouse. ICK! I don’t know what it is about wild mice and rats that just send me into paroxysms of revulsion, but they do and I cannot stand to be in the same room with one. Of course Ken is laughing his head off at my reaction and while I retreat to the bathroom, he cleans it up.

His parting words to me were that he put it where I could find it easily — on my car seat. Of course he had done no such thing, but merely wanted to get a rise out of me once more.

Thanks, Honey — good luck at the dog show.

Love to all,


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