Archive for December 22nd, 2008

Dec 22 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 12/22/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Brrrrrrrrr! Don’t know about you, but it’s COLD here! 22 last I looked, but beautiful and clear.

I sure hope your weekend was better than mine!

I had to take Max in to have his cast changed and there was a new vet there.  Or at least new to me. He fussed at me for waiting to bring him in for the change as he had managed to get the thing wet (well, he’d been chewing on it, so guess that contributed to the wet). Anyway he wanted to keep him for a few hours to let him thoroughly dry out before putting on a new cast. I had to go to Columbia to pick up Tiger, so told him it might be late before I could get back and he said that was OK — they are there 24/7.

So I took off for Columbia and managed to stay out of rain all the way there. Tigger was happy to see me and I wandered around talking to people I knew for a few minutes, then left to head home. Ran into rain on the way home and heavier traffic, but still managed to make fair time. Ken had gone by and picked up Max after he got off work, so we ended up getting home about 5 minutes apart.

We got our respective dogs settled, then ran to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for spaghetti and when we got home, we settled down to rest for a few minutes. Heard an awful screaming from Max and when we ran into see what the problem was, he had somehow managed to pull his leg out of the cast! Thankfully he had not re-broken the leg, but we still had to go back to the vet’s office to get it re-casted.

They were working on an emergency so asked if we could leave him and come back, so we elected to go eat dinner then swing by Target to do some of the shopping we had planned to do Sunday.

We went to one of our favorite places where they serve fish and I ordered broiled Salmon while Ken got his usual fried flounder and baby shrimp. My Salmon was old and smelled and tasted fishy, so I didn’t eat all of it. Ken’s plate was piled so high with food he couldn’t eat it all, so took home a plate.

We then headed for Target which was very busy with last-minute shoppers like us. We managed to find what we were looking for and got checked out, but by then it was pouring buckets. Ken brought the car up to the front of the store, so I didn’t get too wet. He’s thoughtful like that.

Max was ready for us to pick up and this time was sporting another e-collar which he hates.

Thankfully the rest of Saturday was normal.

Sunday we left for Greenville around 8:00 am. Ate breakfast at the IHOP, then went to Costco to sign up for a membership — Ken’s boss gave him one for Christmas — wasn’t that nice?? We picked up a few things there, then went to Home Depot across the street where we bought the paint and supplies for me to repaint the bedroom. You can read about my makeover plans for the house HERE.

I know Ken wanted to wait until we could renovate the house, replace the paneling with sheet rock and re-do the subflooring, but that’s years away yet and I’m up to here with the dark paneling. 10 years of it is long enough!

My friend Janet is coming over Saturday to help me do the bedroom. I have everything I’ll need to do the linen faux finish on the walls. I still need to find and purchase the blinds/shades for the windows, but figure I can do that after the walls are done. Ken and I have a plan in mind for getting the furniture out of the room (except for the bed — that will just be pulled away from the wall). We’ll do that Thursday so the room will be ready to paint Saturday. Since Ken’s leaving for Ohio Saturday, he’ll be out of my hair and Janet and I can do our thing. He won’t be back until Monday, so that gives us two days to get it done. That should be plenty of time since it’s not that big of a room.

Once we finish the bedroom, I want to do the hallway. My office will be the last room to be redone as it’s the most complicated to get furniture out of since the huge bird cage is in there along with my l-shaped desk that will have to be dismantled to get it out of the room.

Finished up the day by doing laundry, wrapping presents and getting Christmas cards addressed. Ken even did the dishes for me! Everything is going out today UPS second day, so you should all get your stuff Christmas eve. I’m sorry I left it all so late — we had most of the gifts already purchased, I just have procrastinated getting it out — you all have my apologies for that!

Well, I suppose I should get back to work although it’s a slow day and I expect there to not be much at all this week, I still need to look like I’m accomplishing something 😛


Love to all,


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