Archive for July 2nd, 2008

Jul 02 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 07/02/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Ken and Chrystalyn spent the day yesterday doing honey-dos around the house. Don’t know why they chose to do that, but they did and I’m grateful to have those things taken care of.


I did manage to get this not-very-good shot of Chrystalyn as she watched t.v. and read a book (she’s taking after Ma in that respect) last night. I don’t know why it (and all the others I took) came out with that odd blur — guess I should have used the tripod or the image stabilization got taken off by accident.


They are going to Carowinds today and I KNOW they’ll have a great time! I have to go to work, unfortunately.


The books I ordered for Chrystalyn came yesterday. I was told she needed two in a series to complete her collection, so ordered them from the author who graciously autographed them. He has another series out that she’s interested in, so I think Paw Paw is going to order those for her today and have them shipped to Eddie’s house.


Well, it’s time for me to pack my lunch and head out the door.

Love to all,


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