Archive for April 18th, 2008

Apr 18 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 04/18/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

We made it through another week!

Yesterday was very quiet at work. We have a whole raft of people out in California this week, so it’s really been quiet all week long for the most part. They’re out there taking inventory. Since counting stuff is really boring for me, I’m glad I wasn’t chosen to go.

iris1 I was walking around the yard the other afternoon, taking some photos and noticed that my fig bush (tree?) didn’t have any blooms on it. It has leaves although they’re a bit sparse right now, but for some reason I thought this bloomed before it got leaves as the blooms turn into fruit. Last year, after it bloomed, we had that horrible freeze, so there were no figs last year. While we don’t eat them, the wild birds and bees do, so I was worried about them not having enough to eat last fall. I guess between that freeze and the terrible drought, the plants are not in the best of health even though we’ve had adequate rainfall so far this year. My irises haven’t bloomed very well either. Where by this time of year I usually have dozens of blooms, I’ve had 5 or 6 so far.

Tomorrow is the Blockhouse Run and I still haven’t decided what I’m going to take. I’m going to procrastinate myself right out of having any food whatsoever. I thought about a sweet and then  yesterday when I was in Sam’s club, I thought about chilled shrimp. Whatever, I need to decide and DO IT.

Well, it’s time to head down the highway. Have a wonderful day!


Love to all,



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