Archive for May 28th, 2007

May 28 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 05-28-2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Good morning everyone! I’m sittin here at my desk watching a trio of Cardinals at the feeder and a hummingbird buzzing around the hummingbird feeder outside my window. It’s a lovely, clear morning, but I think it’s going to get pretty hot later today.

Ken’s in the shower right now and after I’ve had mine, we’ll go out for breakfast. I don’t know what we’ll do the rest of today, but I’m sure we’ll find something. I would kind of like to see a movie, but really don’t know what is playing, so we’ll have to wait and see.

I got Mom’s plant waterers Friday. The sure are pretty! Makes me wish I had an indoor plant or two. Guess I’ll have to figure out something else to do with them.

Well, Ken’s out of the shower now, so I need to run. Talk later!


Back from breakfast and hav ebeen essing aroudn on this computer most of the day. Just playing iwth PSP and thinking about the next stationery script I want to write. Started making the images for it and got distracted by the birds outside. Since my Sony is on it’s way to the camera hospital, I dragged out the far inferior Kodak (that I’ve been trying to sell, but everyone else is smarter than I was and aren’t interested in it) and took a few shots.

I’ve uploaded them to my webshots album which you can find HERE. I did get a couple that are worth the look — well, at least I think they are.

I also tweaked on Suzel’s page some — if you have a minute — Judy — took your criticism to heart and darkened the font to give more contrast and finally got the code tweaked to give me some rounded corners on the text box area. They still aren’t AS round as I would like them, but every other solution seems to involve java script and I really want to stay away from that. Her site will need to be crawlable by the bots who do that for Google and Yahoo, so I want to keep it fairly clean — at least on the home page. I may try putting a division behind so I can simulate a drop shadow for it. I’m still waiting on her to get me some photos of collars like I asked for. She’s a bit dingy 🙁 and that may be awhile coming. I may just have to arrange to take the photos myself the next time I’m up in the Greensboro area.


Love to all,



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