Archive for March 27th, 2007

Mar 27 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 03-27-2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Mom and I had a nice chat last night as I drove home from work. She’s always full of stories about the Towers and its inhabitants. I can’t wait to read the book she’s writing of her memiors. It should be a very interesting read.

The bb lady here wants a meeting on our progress. This despite my sending e-mails every other day outlining what has been done, what is in progress and what still needs to be done. What a PITA. I HATE meetings especially when I KNOW it’s going to be time wasted. Guess she just has to have it drawn on the board for her so she can understand. I hope we have it in Wes’ office — it’s already drawn out there, so maybe she can take a look and be done with it.

Nothing new other wise. Still trying to finish laundry 🙂 It just never seems to get done. Am going to a chiropracter this afternoon about my neck. It just will not quit hurting and is now waking me up at night. I hope he can do something to relieve the pain.

Got to run.

Love to all,



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