Archive for January 31st, 2007

Jan 31 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01-31-2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Well, here we are with a month of the new year behind us already. šŸ˜® Time seems to be going by at a faster and faster rate the older I get. It sure taxes my memory to have it go by so fast!

Ken goes to the doctor today about a lump on his side. He’s complained about it for some time now, but the family doctor kept telling him it was a lipoma and nothing to worry about. I don’t know how he could have know definitively without doing some kind of biopsy, but there you go. At any rate, the pain has gotten to the point that Ken couldn’t ignore it anymore and so he’s been referred to a surgeon. Ya’ll keep him in your prayers that it’s nothing.

I worked from home yesterday and in between workingĀ got a ton of laundry done, but still have 3 loads to do. I don’t understand how 2 people can dirty so much stuff! There’s just something not right about having 8 loads of laundry for a weeks worth of wear. Of course one load alone was dog toys šŸ˜› and one of the loads left to do is dog bedding, but that’s only two loads out of all that either were washed or need to be washed.

Eddie, Yvonne and Randy will be hereĀ the 12th or 13th for a few days. They are in the process of moving to Virginia Beach, VA so Eddie can begin his schooling with Navy Intelligence (is that an oxymoron ā“ ). I’m looking forward to seeing them. When they leave, they’ll be going to Louisianna to visit with her family. I hope they can stay through the weekend so they can go to the dog show with us, but we’ll see.

Well, guess I need to get back on the job.

Love to all,



ps — update on Ken — the doc tried to remove the tumor, but it was too deep, so he will go in 2 weeks to outpatient to have it removed. Ken said he was going to be REALLY sore once the local wore off..:cry:


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