Archive for November 7th, 2006

Nov 07 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 11-06-2006

Filed under Uncategorized

***** UPDATE *****

Eddie sent me some new photos from Bahrain. I’ve uploaded them into his album, so go check them out.

***** Back to regular programming *****

Well, I’m sorry to say, daily notes are actually not-so-daily notes 🙂 It’s been a bit crazy around here the last few days so I hope you’ll forgive me for not posting lately.

Sunday, I had two girls get into a fight. It was a pretty bad one. They were really whaling on each other in the back yard with the other girls circling like Indians around the wagon train and getting nips in on the combatants, then dancing back out of reach. This, of course only served to further enrage the two fighters. I tried the water hose first but all that deterred was the cirlcers and then only as long as it was trained on them.

Nothing to do but wade in with my most vicious “I’m the top b**** around here” voice. Again, that only affected the non-combatants as the other two were too filled with the frenzy of the fight by then. Since I really didn’t want to get bitten myself, I grabbed each by the tail and lifted them off the ground.

Now, I’m no weight lifter and the lightest of these two weighs 37 lbs, so I had nearly 80 lbs of dog hanging in the air by tails! I’m REALLY glad they were not 180lb Mastiffs! I was still having to fend off the Indians, too so picture me standing in the back yard with a dog in each hand by the tail — all 4 feet off the ground, hopping from one foot to the other as I pushed other, excited dogs away, screaming my head off (and I won’t give you any of the things I was screaming as it would get this post marked as “not suitable for young minds”).

I dropped the least wounded of the two and got the second one up on my shoulders, then proceeded up the back deck steps into the house. Let me tell you, those steps never seemed so steep before. There are only 5 of them, but by the 4th, my vision was starting to get hazy around the edges. I made it inside, shoved Delilah in a crate, grabbbed Nell (the other combatant) and shoved her in a crate, then collapsed into a chair. 20 minutes later, after I had caught my breath and quit shaking quite so hard, I dragged Delilah out to assess the damage.

No one was spurting blood, so I cleaned them up, clipped around the wounds, flushed them and packed them with neosporin. I ended up taking Delilah to the emergency vet to have her tended to as she had a really deep gash in her throat and an ugly wound on her head close to her eye. He put in two drains which will come out Thursday and stapled the other wounds.

I did have a laugh though. Once I got the two girls in and crated, I realized that all the dogs invovled were females. When I started looking for the boys, I saw them peeking out from under Ken’s desk to make sure the coast was clear.

My countertop now looks like a pharmacy with all the medication I’m doling out to the dogs, myself and Ken.

Got to run….work calls

Love to all,


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