Archive for May 26th, 2006

May 26 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Testing uploading a photo

Filed under Uncategorized

I’m doing this from work ….sssshhhhhh don’t tell…. as I’ve been unsuccessful in uploading a picture to a post. So now that WebHSP has reset permissions on some folders/files, we’ll see if it works…..hold your breath

 Linda and Graffiti dance


Oh LOOK!!!! It worked!!! Happy day!! Now you’ll see lots more pictures from me 😉



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May 26 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 5/26/06

Filed under Uncategorized

Today’s work day started out a lot like yesterdays. UPS failure caused all internet to go down including E-Mail. The whole company went rabid.

Someone (name with held to protect the guilty — NOT ME) had the field entering data into one spreadsheet on the Xdrive — very bad policy there, so when the UPS went south, so did all that lovely information……I have a bunch of pi**ed off Area Managers who have been slaving away trying to enter inventory information into that spreadsheet. All because **SOMEONE** in logistics is too lazy to do one for each tech/warehouse. Enough griping about work — let’s move on to something positive.

Today is the beginning of a nice long weekend. I am so looking forward to it! I have so much work to catch up on not the least of which is housework- 🙁  -not my favorite to do by any means! It will get done, but I will be kicking and screaming the entire time :0

Sunday is my birthday. I turn double nickles. Most other landmarks to date have not bothered me that much, but this one is making me a little queasy. There is so much I haven’t done yet and so much I WANT to do! Things like write a book, learn a REAL programming language and become proficient in it or just finish my BA degree. The years are flying by to the point that the gentle breeze of my youth has turned into a tornado 🙂 My body is not co-operating in this venture either, with knees that are toast and other parts that have bloated or shrunk or are sagging like grandma’s front porch! No amount of calorie restrictions or low-fat, low-carb anything seems to be taking any significant amount of weight off. I need a fat-burner pill that REALLY works — come on medical science! You can do it!

On the topic of birthday, my sweet husband is buying me a wonderful birthday gift! New tires for my van! Now maybe I won’t have to put air in them every other day 😉 🙂 He’s such a great guy! I don’t know what I would do without him! I might just keep him another 24 years or so. What do you guys think?? I love him so much!

We go to Pinehurst next weekend for 2 days of shows there. Have the “Fab 4” entered and it’s a nice sized entry. We’ll keep our fingers crossed that we come away brides or grooms instead of bridesmaids or ushers 🙂

Love y’all



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